赛事规则 Terms & Conditions



1. 所有参赛者必须符合该组别的年龄限制。大会保留于比赛前、后或比赛进行中,确认参赛者年龄的权利。

2. 所有的参赛者必须确保他们的精神和身体状况适合参加比赛。参赛者报名完成即代表确认同意活动的免责条款及细则。

3. 报名一经确认,有关报名费用将不能退回,亦不能用作参与未来其他活动。若申请者提供错误资料、报名费不足或不依照正确程序报名,大会保留拒绝接受其申请的权利。

4. 主办方将不会为比赛当天因任何事情或理由所引致的任何个人伤亡或财务损失承担任何责任。

5. 赛事名额有限,先到先得,额满即止。主办方保留权利于报名名额已满时提早截止报名,而不需作出通知。

6. 主办方将只会负责大家的公共责任险,参赛者应该自己投保个人意外保险。

7. 主办方保留使用比赛当天所拍得照片或录像的权利,包括商业宣传用途。

8. 所有的参赛者报名完成即代表确认同意会定时查阅活动的所有免责条款及细则。


1. 于比赛之前、后或比赛进行中,参赛者在任何情况下都必须听从赛会工作人员、志愿者、医护人员及保安人员的指示。

2. 参赛者请于活动期间保持专业及礼貌的态度。

3. 若参赛者未能按照其指定时间起步,赛会有权取消该参赛者之成绩,并不会给予纪念奖牌及证书。

4. 所有参赛者会获发一张参赛号码布牌,号码布必须佩戴于参赛者胸前以作识别。所有参赛者不得转售,或与其他人转换号码布。未能佩戴指定号码布之参赛者将不能参与比赛。

5. 任何在赛道上的工作人员、医护人员或保安人员若要求参赛者退出比赛,参赛者必须立即停止比赛。

6. 比赛获奖者或者有机会获得奖项的选手,若对比赛结果有任何疑义,请于比赛结果公布或者颁奖典礼结束后内30分钟尽快提交抗议表格申请核实比赛结果。

7. 其他参赛选手,若对比赛成绩有任何疑义,可以在成绩公布后5日内通过邮件提交抗议表格,申请核实成绩。 组委会保留不受理任何5日之后提交的抗议申请的权利。


1. 国贸大酒店垂直马拉松世界巡回赛(北京站)之主办方会在您登记成为是次比赛选手时,收集您的个人资料,包括姓名、国籍、电邮地址、出生日期、性别、电话号码、传真号码及地址等。当您使用我们的服务进行登记时,有关个人资料将会被收集、储存及使用以作核实。在您同意的情况下,主办单位会使用已收集的个人资料用作直接推广体育活动。

2. 在获得您的书面同意下,赛事管理单位Sporting Republic将会收集、储存及使用您那的个人资料做以下用途:提供更适合自己的跑手资讯(包括马拉松)、提高我们的服务质素及与您联系。Sporting Republic亦可能进一步使用有关个人资料和/或提供该等个人资料给其他机构(例如代理人,承办商,或提供行政、电讯和电脑系统服务予Sporting Republic有关业务的第三方服务供应商),用作直接推广体育活动及赛跑运动。

Terms & Conditions

1. Participants must fulfil the age limit for the selected category on the day of the event. The Organising Committee has the right to verify age of participants before, during and after the race.

2. All participants must ensure they are medically and physically fit to participate in the race. Completion of his or her entry confirms the participant’s agreement to the disclaimer and rules and regulations of the event.

3. All entry fees are non-refundable, and may not be deferred toward a future event. The Organising Committee reserves the right to refuse entry for any applicant who provides false information, does not make the required payment or fails to meet entry requirements.

4. The Organising Committee will not be liable for any loss and/or damage, personal or otherwise, and howsoever arising from the event.

5. The Organising Committee reserves the right to close entries before the deadline without any notice once the race quota is full.

6. The Organising Committee will cover the race with public liability only. Runners should be responsible for their own personal accident insurance.

7. The Organiser reserves the right to use any photographs and recordings taken during the event, for legitimate purposes, including commercial advertising.

8. By submitting his or her entry, each applicant agrees to observe and accept all Terms and Conditions of the race in force from time to time introduced by the Event Organiser.

Official Rules

1. Participants must follow instructions as given from all event officials including race staff, volunteers, medical personnel and security officers before, during and after the event.

2. All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner during their participation in the event.

3. No official result will be given to runners who do not start in the race time assigned to them by the Organising Committee.

4. Every participant shall be provided with a race number, which MUST be worn on the front of shirts and be visible at all times during the event. The race number may not be exchanged with or transferred/sold to any other person. No participant shall be permitted to participate in the event without the appropriate number.

5. Participants must retire from the race immediately, if asked / requested to do so by any member of the officials, medical personnel and security officers.

6. For prize winners or potential prize winners wishing to dispute the results, Protest Form must be submitted to Race Director within 30 minutes after the results published or immediately after the prize presentation, whichever is earlier.

7. For all other participants, disputes and appeals regarding the results must be submitted in writing within 5 days of the announcement of the results, with return email address. The organizer reserve the right not to entertain any protest or dispute submitted 5 working days after the event.

Privacy Policy

1. The Organiser of the “China World Summit Wing, Beijing Vertical Run” collects personal information when you register as a runner. When you register, we ask for personal information such as your name, your nationality, email address, birth date, gender, phone number, fax number, address etc. Such information will be collected, stored and used for authentication purpose during registration and when you utilise our services. Subject to your constent, the Organiser may further use your personal information for direct marketing in relation to sports events and general promotions of the sport of running.

2. Subject to receiving your prior written consent, we may collect and use your personal information and/or provide such personal information to another person (nanely agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative, telecommunications and computer service to Sporting Republic in connection with the operation of its business) for direct marketing purpose in relation to sports events and general promotions of the sport of running by Sporting Republic.